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Explore heartfelt stories and practical advice on Dadjogger.com’s Family category, where fatherhood takes center stage. Join us as we delve into the joys and challenges of raising a family through a dad’s eyes. Whether you’re a new dad or a seasoned parent, find inspiration and support in our community of family-focused joggers.

Running selfie along the beaches in Ft. Lauderdale, capturing the joy of staying active on vacation.
Embarking on a vacation brings visions of relaxation, adventure, and, for those of us passionate about fitness, the challenge of maintaining our routines while away from familiar jogging paths. But running on vacation shouldn’t be seen merely as a way to offset those extra vacation indulgences. Instead, it’s a gateway to immersive travel experiences, offering a unique blend of...
Father mowing the lawn while holding hands with two children, teaching them responsibility through outdoor chores.
My wife and I are always looking for ways to teach our children about responsibility, character-building, and the value of hard work. We both grew up working at early ages: Kelly in a movie theater, and myself in sport training (soccer and swimming). One effective way to instill these qualities is by assigning chores to your kids. Not only...
Relatable Beginnings Ah, kindergarten—the exciting, nerve-wracking gateway to your child’s educational journey. If you’re like me, the thought of your little one stepping into this new world is both thrilling and a bit anxiety-inducing. Having three boys, I’ve seen it all when it comes preparing your child for kindergarten. Each child is unique, and their journey to being ready for...
Introducing kids to the joy of running is more than just a lesson in physical activity; it leads to a lifestyle filled with adventure, learning, and well-being. Running offers numerous benefits for children, from improving cardiovascular health to enhancing emotional resilience. As a runner myself, I have been encouraging my kids to run, and so far, at even a...
Self-care isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s a major part of well-being that’s becoming increasingly more vital for everyone. Juggling work, family, and societal expectations can be exhausting. Prioritizing self-care is a proactive step towards resilience and happiness, not a sign of weakness. It took me a while to figure that out. This article dives into self-care, somewhat tailored for men,...
Becoming a father has been an extraordinary journey. It is filled with moments of immense joy, profound challenges, and endless love. While it still feels like my journey is just beginning with 3 boys under 10, I've come to realize that the success of my family and the development of my children hinge significantly on the presence and influence...
Childhood Anxiety
Childhood Anxiety is something many parents worry about, and rightfully so. It wasn’t a common topic of discussion for past generations, but today’s parents are more attuned to the emotional well-being of their children. While it's normal for kids to exhibit occasional anxiety (think public speaking at school, sports tryouts, etc.), persistent signs of childhood anxiety may indicate a...
Diving into the whirlwind of fatherhood with three boys is like being a coach to a lively, sometimes unruly, but always lovable sports team. Each day is game day, filled with the highs of victories, the lows of losses, and the constant coaching to build not just the skills of the game but character too. But a good team...
Runners, including one in a yellow shirt, starting a race under a blue arch with the words 'Bring Your AWESOME' at an outdoor event, capturing the excitement and community spirit of the race.
In every family, certain legacies and traditions weave through the generations like threads in a tapestry, binding members with invisible yet unbreakable bonds. In my family, one of those binding threads is running—a constant, pulsing line that connects us, challenges us, and teaches us. It's a legacy not marked by grand ceremonies but by the quiet passing of the...
The journey to fatherhood, the first time around, is a whirlwind of emotions, from surreal joy to bone-chilling fear. Picture this: you're sitting in the doctor's office, gazing at the screen as the ultrasound reveals the tiny, fluttering heartbeat of your unborn child. You can see every valve of the tiny heart, the fingers and toes, and even a...