Over the past few years, new trends have been popping up that encourage us to rethink our relationship with alcohol. Along with No-Shave November, we now have the “sober curious” movement, Dry January, and a bunch of drinking apps to keep drinking habits in check. It’s clear that there’s a growing interest in sober or sober-ish living. More and...
Picture this: it’s early morning, and you’re lacing up your running shoes for a quick jog before the day fully kicks off (maybe your coffee is brewing, but not mine). The house is quiet with sleeping children. Alarms are minutes away from sending the house into the get-ready-for-school panic. BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The peaceful start you were hoping for?...
For my family that thrives on the “go, go, go,” a trip to Disney is like the ultimate endurance test, think marathon, but with more popcorn and Dole Whips. This recent Disney trip gave me a fresh perspective on endurance, both in terms of patience and physical stamina, and even provided some lessons that could benefit a distance runner.
You’ve read the books, scoured the blogs, and watched countless videos. Now you're thinking you’re ready for this wild ride called parenting. But the truth is, no book can fully prepare you for what’s ahead. It’s like looking at a picture of a spectacular view versus standing on the mountain yourself—completely different experiences.
Lately, I’ve been reflecting on this more...
Fatherhood is much more than a title. It’s a commitment that plays a critical role in shaping a child’s future. A bunch of what I know today came directly from my father, or he was where the spark started. So, the importance of fathers in child development is essential.
Research shows that children with engaged fathers are more likely to...
Being a dad (and mom) is a role that doesn’t come with a manual, and yet, somehow, we all figure it out along the way. Movies have a way of distilling parenting highs and lows into a few poignant, hilarious, or heartwarming moments.
So, on this Friday the 13th, here are 13 of the best movie quotes that speak to...
Our love story began on the trails of Van Cortlandt Park, way back in October 2005. My wife and I were at a cross-country meet in the Bronx, NY, and while others may remember their first date as a candlelit dinner, ours was fueled by the adrenaline of competition and the camaraderie of a shared passion – and later,...
Embarking on a vacation brings visions of relaxation, adventure, and, for those of us passionate about fitness, the challenge of maintaining our routines while away from familiar jogging paths. But running on vacation shouldn’t be seen merely as a way to offset those extra vacation indulgences. Instead, it’s a gateway to immersive travel experiences, offering a unique blend of...
My wife and I are always looking for ways to teach our children about responsibility, character-building, and the value of hard work. We both grew up working at early ages: Kelly in a movie theater, and myself in sport training (soccer and swimming). One effective way to instill these qualities is by assigning chores to your kids. Not only...
Relatable Beginnings
Ah, kindergarten—the exciting, nerve-wracking gateway to your child’s educational journey. If you’re like me, the thought of your little one stepping into this new world is both thrilling and a bit anxiety-inducing. Having three boys, I’ve seen it all when it comes preparing your child for kindergarten. Each child is unique, and their journey to being ready for...