My Goals

2024 Goals

Measureable Goals

Run 1 mile every day in 2024
Spend 1000 hours outside

Milestone Goals

The following goals for 2024 are milestone based goals. This means that they are not considered complete until a specific date, race, event, etc. Most of these can’t be tracked as the year progresses, but work towards their ultimate success can be seen along the way.

Run 100K in October 2024

This is the current pinnacle of my running ambitions for the year. It challenges me to push my limits and explore the depths of my endurance and willpower.

Run 1 Mile, every hour, for 24 hours

A commitment to daily movement, this goal is about consistency and discipline, ensuring that no day passes without honoring my dedication to running.

Volunteer as Cubmaster for my Son's Cub Scout Pack

Whatever your plan is, our theme makes it simple to combine, rearrange and customize elements as you desire.

Enhance my professional network

Whatever your plan is, our theme makes it simple to combine, rearrange and customize elements as you desire.

Improve my DadJogger Blog

By posting at least once per week, I intend to cultivate a community of parents and runners. This platform will not only share my journey but also inspire, engage, and connect like-minded individuals.

Spend 1 dedicated hour per weekend playing with my boys

It is important to build on your relationships with your children. I think this one is going to be easy, but sometimes we have some crazy weekends that make this difficult. This is really for the hard weekends!