My 2025 Goals and Resolutions 

Another lap around the sun means another chance to lace up, set some bold goals, and work on becoming a better runner, dad, and person. Last year was a mix of highs and learning experiences (code for “some wins and some losses”), and as I look ahead, I’m setting goals (or resolutions as many might call them) that feel exciting, challenging, and SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound

If you’re mapping out your own goals, feel free to borrow from this list or tweak them to fit your own journey! Here’s what’s on deck for me in 2025 (I’ll be making updates as the year progresses as well): 

Fitness Goals: Pushing Boundaries 

  • Run at least two 50k (or longer) races: It’s time to step up and embrace those ultra vibes. Whether in a timed event or a 100k challenge, I want to show up, log the miles, and learn from every step.
  • Break 6 minutes in the mile by October: Long and slow is my comfort zone, but this year, I want to wake up my fast-twitch muscles and prove that speed doesn’t fade with age, at least not without a fight! 
  • Run a timed event (6–12 hours): The mental challenge of a timed race has been calling my name. This year, I’m answering. 
  • Run at least 10 miles per week: Consistency is king as evidenced in my 1 mile every day challenge last year. 10 miles minimum per week feels like a sweet spot to balance rest and effort on rest weeks while improving on the 2024 minimum of 7 miles per week. 
  • Bike for 30 minutes a week: Cross-training isn’t my favorite, but it’s time to mix things up and give my legs some variety outside of just running and walking/hiking. 

Family Goals: More Dad Time 

  • Dad Dates every quarter: Spending one-on-one time with each of my boys, no distractions, just us.. Whether it’s ice cream, a movie, or a quick adventure to the park, this is a tradition I’m committing to keeping alive. 
  • Travel for at least three vacations: Work trips don’t count, but getting out of town with family or friends does. Whether its big trips or little trips, we want to explore and make memories. The only rule: they must be overnight trips and they must be 3 separate trips (a return home must occur between trips). 

Personal & Professional Growth Goals: Building and Balancing 

  • Level up on LinkedIn: Hitting 1,500 followers is my target as I focus on sharing meaningful, professional content. This could also pair well with my bonus goal for a professional website. 
  • Create weekly video content for DadJogger: From training tips to relatable dad moments, I’ll be stepping in front of the camera more this year. (No promises on the production quality just yet!) I’m not great, but do love creating video content, so I’m going to find ways to improve and up my game! 
  • Track and lose 20 lbs: It’s not just about the number; it’s about feeling my best. It could even improve my run times as I carry less weight around the course. Anyone who knows me and my current diet knows there will be some struggles for me here, for sure. 
  • Volunteer for 1 Race: I’ve run so many races and appreciated the volunteers so much. Many years ago, I once thought of even being a race organizer/official. So This year, I want to give back a little and volunteer to help make other’s races a success, and maybe a bit more fun.

Financial Goals: Thinking Long-Term

  • Save $10k for house updates: The kitchen, bathrooms, and more are calling for a refresh, and this goal helps set a strong foundation to make it happen (pun intended, although we don’t need foundation work thankfully). 

Bonus Goals: Dream Big

  • Run a 100k race: It’s on my radar, but let’s see how the year unfolds. 
  • Build a professional website: A space to share insights on data, analytics, and career growth. 

Quick Note about the ‘time-bound’ side of these goals. You will notice that some don’t have a time as part of the goal. Those goals are to be completed before 12/31/25, giving me the entire year to succeed. Otherwise, there will be a date or month in which I must complete the goal. 

I love this time of year because it reminds me that even small progress adds up to big change. Whether you’re setting goals for fitness, family, or fun, don’t forget to celebrate the journey, not just the finish line. Here’s to a year of chasing goals and enjoying every stride! 

Your Turn

What’s on your goal list for 2025? Share one (or a few) in the comments. I’d love to cheer you on, and maybe get a few ideas for myself! 


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